
Benefits and uses of Amla

Amla (Gooseberry)

Amla (Gooseberry) is also popularly known as Phyllanthus Emblica as its scientific name. It has been used right from the history for its health benefits along with the benefits that it can bring to the hair and skin. Amla was first only used in its natural form for getting the health benefits. Later, amla benefits for skin and hair also famous. Many other natural ingredients were mixed with that to enhance its strength. The amla benefits or the amla with honey benefits are quite popular amongst the users.
What Is Amla?
Amla is a sore fruit which can be found in the wet, hilly areas and in the autumn season. It is known for its nutritional values and is used for several purposes.

Health Benefits

Are you tired of trying your hands on several health products but not getting the desired results? Are you still struggling to keep your health in the right form? If so, then you are in need to maximize the uses of Indian gooseberry and to follow getting the amla benefits.
You can take amla in any form in your diet and you will get the same amount of benefits that you have ever wished for your health.

Anti-inflammation and Anti-oxidant

One of the best reasons which make the health benefits of amla so amazing is the fact that they are rich sources of anti-inflammation and anti-oxidant properties. The anti-oxidant and anti-inflammation aspect of amla helps the health of the user to fight against most of the common and leading problems. The Indian gooseberry benefits will certainly help you get improved health with its regular use. The anti-inflammation and anti-oxidant properties will maximize the amla uses and benefits for your health.


One of the major reasons why the various health problems remain in our body is that their bacteria keep spreading inside our body. If you want that your health improves, then you need to have something that prevents the spreading of these bacteria in the body. For getting maximum benefits of the anti-bacterial properties of amla, you should focus on getting the benefits of eating amla in an empty stomach.

Anti Viral

The other amla uses are because it is anti-viral in nature. Thanks to its anti-viral property that amla can be used to avail many health benefits. The Indian gooseberry health benefits are extremely essential against some of the common yet major health issues. Even if you have been suffering from some severe diseases for a long time, you will see getting the benefit for them with the Indian gooseberry health benefits.

Anti Fungal

There are some of the benefits of eating amla are also because of its anti-fungal property? It is because of this property of Amla that it helps in the prevention of any fungal problem inside the body. You can also get the amla extract benefits for the fungal infections of your scalp. You can either take amla juice or can have the fresh amla pieces every morning or even in the evening and prevent most of the fungal infections for your body.

Improves Eye Health

Other than the anti-fungal, anti-viral and anti-inflammation properties of amla, it is also a rich source of vitamin A. The presence of a high amount of vitamin A lets the users get the maximum benefits of amla for eyes. If you feel any kind of irritation or itchiness in the eyes, then the Indian gooseberry vitamins will give you the best cure of that. As significant benefits of amla for eyes is that it helps in improving the eye-sight of the users.


The amla herb benefits make amla as one of the best solutions for diabetes. The chromium present in the amla helps in reducing the blood sugar levels and thus prevents diabetes. It would be great if you can get raw amla uses for fighting against diabetes.


Amla can help in the prevention of cancer. Curing and prevention of cancer are also listed as one of the primary medicinal amla benefits. Along with this benefit of eating raw amla, it will also help in reducing the cancer particles to spread in the body and thus will benefit in improving the overall health of the person.


The high amount of antioxidants present in amla along with the anti-bacterial properties helps to cure the problem of jaundice. Jaundice can be cured by availing the suitable dry amla benefits. The amla vitamin C content and its anti-bacterial ability prevent the jaundice infection and bacteria to spread across the body.


The anti-oxidant properties of amla help in preserving the health of the person who is dealing with any problem with the liver. The medicinal value of Amla allows the liver to perform its normal functioning by clearing all the blockage and infections from the liver. With the regular amla uses, you will notice the improvement in the functioning of your liver.


The high amount of fibre available in amla helps the body to fight against the problem of constipation. This is one of the most common advantages of Amla that benefits most of the people. Amla for digestion works in such a way that you will not need any other ingredient with it. You will see some significant amla fruit benefits with regular use.

Bad Cholesterol

Having high cholesterol is one of the major reasons for several health issues. The gooseberry vitamin C along with the fibre available in amla is two essentials for controlling the high cholesterol of the body. Controlling cholesterol is also considered as one of the effective medicinal uses of amla leaves when taken in the right amount.

Heart Diseases

You can never be sure when any heart problem will affect your health; therefore, it is always beneficial to be well-prepared for the same with the amla benefits for the heart. The anti-oxidants available in the amla helps in the prevention of heart diseases by keeping the arteries blockages clear with its effective functioning. Also, to ensure the amla benefits for hearts, you can trust the anti-bacterial properties of amla which prevent the harmful bacteria to further spread inside the body.


If you are looking for an effective solution for your problem of ulcer, then you can try regularly taking amla. Amla and its benefits are quite effective in their results when taken for ulcer treatments.

Throat Infection

The anti-infectious nature of amla is responsible for its benefits for a throat infection. No matter how bad your throat infection is, it can be healed using the daily consumption of amla. You can try the amla candy benefits to treat your sore throat and get some fantastic results. Throat infection is quite common and thus having gooseberry health benefits against throat infection is nothing less than a blessing.

Stress and Mental Health

Stress is the major reason that causes half of the health problems. If anyhow stress can be controlled, it can solve most of the health problems. Fighting against stress is one primary amla uses, and without a doubt, it reduces the stress levels when taken regularly. Amla contains a high amount of vitamins and minerals and thus proof to be effective in improving the memory power along with mental health.

Weight Loss

The proteins available in amla along with the various amla vitamins and minerals can help you to get rid of those extra kilos from your body. The regular use of amla juice can bring significant results in the reduction of weight. Along with Amla for weight loss routine, you will also notice a positive sign in the improvement in your skin texture. It will add some instant glow to your face.


Amla benefits for skin work nothing less than magic and make it glowing, smooth, bright and bright. The amla vitamin along with the other nutritional strengths fights all the possible skin problems and results in the skin that you have always dreamed of. Here are some of the amla benefits that deliver to your skin with its regular use.

Acne and Pimples

Thanks to the availability of vitamin C in amla, it proves to be an effective ingredient for fighting against the problem of acne and pimples. The anti-oxidants available also helps in letting your skin breathe properly along with giving it the natural glow needed. This will help in the prevention of acne along with reducing their marks.


If you are facing the problem of skin pigmentation, even then you can take help from Amla. Amla is a rich source of vitamin C, which without a doubt is one of the popular ingredients for fighting skin problems. The anti-oxidant and anti-bacterial properties of amla further make it more beneficial for treating the skin pigmentation with great care.

Skin Irritation and Blemishes

To reduce the skin irritation and blemishes, you need to exfoliate your skin regularly. If you are looking for a natural skin exfoliator, then you can try using amla for the same. The anti-bacterial and astringent properties of amla make it a good option for skin exfoliation. This helps in reducing the dead skin cells and then helping in the growth of new skin cells.


Vitamin C in any form can bring incredible benefits to the skin’s ageing problem. You can call vitamin C as a superstar for skin benefits. Amla is a rich source of vitamin C. As a result, one of the biggest amla benefits for skin is its ability to slow down the skin’s ageing signs. With its regular use of Indian gooseberry, you can balance the ageing signs of your skin to the maximum. Along with vitamin C, the available vitamin A and anti-oxidant properties make amla one of the best options to reduce the signs of skin ageing.

Skin Cleanser

Another effective Indian gooseberry benefits for skin is that it is a strong skin cleanser. It can remove all the dirt and dust particles from the skin and then can make the skin glowing and smooth with its effectiveness. The antioxidants and vitamin A and C are the major strengths of amla which thoroughly cleanses the skin. As an additional benefit of the Indian amla, it also tones the skin and makes it bright and smooth.


Amla is not only beneficial for the skin and health but it also has many benefits for the hair. Amla for hair is one ingredient that deals with all the possible problems of hair and scalp. Though, keeping in mind the side effects that can happen, you should be aware of how to use amla for hair.

Hair Growth

The amla nutritional value is rich with the presence of several vitamins and minerals. These vitamins and minerals combine together with the available phytonutrients and thus help in stimulating and maintaining the blood circulation through the scalp. The enhanced circulation of the blood through the scalp helps in improving the hair quality along with helping in the hair growth.


The vitamin C available in amla is quite effective in fighting against the problem of dandruff. Vitamin C helps in removing the scalp’s dryness, which is one for the major reasons for the occurrence of dandruff. Along with vitamin C, Amla is also rich with its anti-bacterial and anti-inflammation properties, which further helps in the prevention of dandruff. Amla reduces dandruff to spread across the entire scalp and thus reduces it to half the existing quantity.

Scalp Infection

If your scalp is not healthy, you can never have healthy hair. No matter what hair products you use and how much time you invest in taking care of them, but if you are not targeting your scalp damages and problems, you are missing a major part of hair care. To reduce the scalp problems, you should know how to use raw amla for hair. The anti-inflammation, anti-oxidants and anti-bacterial properties of amla are responsible for bringing the best of amla for hair care and to reduce the scalp problems to the maximum extent.

Grey Hair

Amla is also effective in fighting against the early signs of hair graying. The anti-oxidants available in amla help in maintaining the scalp health along with dealing with the problem of hair graying. The amla juice or amla extract also reduces the amount of pitta from the scalp as it is one for the major reasons of hair graying.

Prevent Lice

With the proper care of the hair and scalp problems, the amla helps in reducing the risk of having lice in your hair. When your hair will be healthy and shinier, there would be less chance of the growth of lice in them. This is one of the underrated Indian gooseberry benefits of hair. However, with time, it has proved to be most effective. The anti-bacterial properties of amla are effective in this matter.

Benefits and uses of Amla Benefits and uses of Amla Reviewed by Deoraj on March 05, 2020 Rating: 5

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