
Benefits and uses of Cinnamon


Cinnamon is a tree we can use its parts like the bark or the leaf of the tree for various purposes. The bark of the tree can be rolled into sticks or it’s grounded into powder form which can be readily used. Also, the leaf and bark are steam distilled into oil. The powdered form of cinnamon is used for baking also it can be used in coffee, tea or with honey. Even the cinnamon sticks are used for cooking in Asian cusines. Cinnamon oil can be used in food processing, perfumes, medication, aroma therapy, disinfectants etc. There are two varieties of cinnamon:
Ø Ceylon
Ø Cassia cinnamon

However, Ceylon cinnamon is a better option because it contains less coumarin than Cassia. Coumarins can damage the liver if consumed in high amounts. 
Helps in diabetes

Cinnamon helps in blocking the enzyme which makes glucose readily available to be absorbed in blood. Cinnamon works direct on the muscle cell in turn forcing them to remove sugar from blood and thus it helps in treating diabetes type 2.

As an Antioxidant

Cinnamon has antioxidants namely: polyphenols, phenolic acid, and flavonoids. These antioxidants help reduce oxidative stress which in turn reduces the risk of cancer, skin problems, heart related problems.

Reduces Cholesterol

Cinnamon helps lowering LDL that is the bad cholesterol and increases HDL that is the good cholesterol.

Strong Bones

Cinnamon has calcium and manganese which helps maintain the bone health.

Anti-bacterial and anti-microbial

Cinnamon has natural anti microbial and anti bacterial properties. It fights bacterial infections and acts as immunity booster.

Prevents Brain Disorders

Cinnamon has antioxidant and anti inflammatory properties which in turn reduce the effect of aging on the brain.

Helps Lose Weight

Cinnamon helps lower blood sugar and increases metabolism which in turn burns calories, plus it’s high in fiber and low in fat so it helps us lose weight.

Treat Common Cold

Cinnamon has antioxidant and antibacterial property that helps treat cold by restricting the bacteria growth.


Anti inflammatory effect of cinnamon is because of flavonoids present in it which helps in treating swelling, arthritis, muscle pain, allergy, heart problems, tumor, brain problems etc

Fights Cancer

Cinnamon helps protect the DNA from damage and thus prevents tumor growth there is a compound called cinnamaldehyde present which inhibits the growth of tumor. 

Manages PCOS 

Polycystic ovarian Syndrome is a condition which leads to weight gain, thin hair, pain in pelvic regions, this is due to hormone imbalance of estrogen or progesterone. Cinnamon does not eradicate PCOS but help to manage and control the risk.

As insect repellent

Cinnamon smell is effective in killing mosquito’s larvae and keeps away adult mosquitoes, flies, and bugs.

Fights HIV

Cinnamon has anti viral properties too so it can help us fight against HIV and also increase the immunity of the person but it’s not the sole treatment of HIV it may help treat virus but it cannot eradicate it.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Cinnamon helps killing the bacteria that causes IBS which is the infection in the large intestine which leads to diarrhea, stomach pain, bloating.


Cinnamon has antifungal agent eugenol which helps increase the shelf life of food by destroying fungi growth, molds and bacteria and acts as a preservative.

Combats bad odours

Cinnamon has sweet aroma which acts as a room freshener and also can be used in aromatic massage oil plus it has antibacterial properties which will kill bacteria in surroundings and make the room fresh and without germs.


Cinnamon oil contains eugenol, which has anti-fungal properties so it can be applied in mouth to limit the growth of candida (yeast) growth in the mouth and digestive tract.

Mood enhancer

It has a sweet spicy taste which acts as a stress reliever and mood enhancer.

Mouth Problems

Cinnamon has antibacterial properties which help people avoid bad breath, tooth and cavities issues or any other mouth infections.  Cinnamon is rich in calcium and vitamin A so it makes the teeth strong it can be added in the tooth powder/paste or mouthwash as its refreshing also.

Healthy Skin

Cinnamon has antibiotic properties which protect the skin from acne, rashes, infections and other skin problems, it also helps in collagen formation which makes the skin look younger and improves blood circulation which indirectly improve oxygen in blood and makes skin look great. Cinnamon can be used as a body scrub or massage oil.

Benefits and uses of Cinnamon Benefits and uses of Cinnamon Reviewed by Deoraj on March 01, 2020 Rating: 5

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