
Use and benefits of Myrrh Essential Oil

Myrrh Oil

The health benefits of myrrh essential oil can be attributed to its properties as an antimicrobial, astringent, expectorant, antifungal, stimulant, carminative, stomachic, anticatarrhal, diaphoretic, vulnerary, antiseptic, immune booster, circulatory, tonic, anti-inflammatory, and an antispasmodic substance.

Health Benefits

Apart from being very reputable oil in the field of aromatherapy, it has plenty of medicinal uses too.

Inhibits Microbial Growth

The Myrrh essential oil does not allow microbes to grow or infect your system. It can be used to prevent many problems occurring due to microbial infections such as fever, food poisoning, cough and cold, mumps, measles, pox, and infection of wounds.

Astringent Properties

The Myrrh essential oil is an astringent, which means that it strengthens the gums and muscles, intestines, and other internal organs, and smoothens the skin. It also strengthens the grip of hair roots, thereby preventing hair loss.

Relieves Cough

The Myrrh essential oil is good for cold and cough. It fights the viral infections as well as relieves congestion, and reduces the deposition of phlegm in the lungs and respiratory tracts.

Fungal Infections

The Myrrh essential oil acts as a fungicide as well. It can be used both internally and externally to fight fungal infections.

Nervous System

The Myrrh essential oil stimulates thoughts, blood circulation, digestion, nervous activity, and excretion. It stimulates the pumping action of the heart, secretion of digestive juices and bile into the stomach, and keeps you alert and active by stimulating the brain and the nervous system.


The essential oil helps to relieve gases which often result in embarrassing situations in public. Myrrh Essential Oil is to relief from colds, congestion, coughs, bronchitis, and phlegm.


Myrrh oil is beneficial for the all-around health of your stomach.


The property of myrrh essential oil relieves excess mucus and phlegm and troubles associated with mucus deposition like congestion, breathing trouble, heaviness in the chest, and cough.

Increases Perspiration

Myrrh essential oil increases perspiration and removes toxins, extra salt, and excess water from your body. Sweating also cleans the skin pores and helps harmful gases like nitrogen escape.

Speeds up Healing

This property of myrrh essential oil protects wounds from infections and heals them quickly. An essential oil combination containing myrrh oil played a vital role in healing skin wounds. 

Prevents Infections

If you apply a small amount of myrrh essential oil on cuts and wounds, you don’t need to worry about them becoming infected. This oil will prevent them from becoming septic since it is an antiseptic substance. It can protect you from tetanus as well to some extent.

Boosts Immunity

The Myrrh oil strengthens and activates the immune system and keeps the body protected from infections.

Stimulates Blood Circulation

The powerful essential oil stimulates blood circulation and ensures a proper supply of oxygen to the tissues. This is good for attaining a proper metabolic rate as well as for boosting the immune system. It increases the blood flow to all the parts of the body.

Overall Health

Myrrh oil tones up all the systems and organs in the body as a tonic. It gives strength and protection from premature aging and infection.

Use and benefits of Myrrh Essential Oil Use and benefits of Myrrh Essential Oil Reviewed by Deoraj on March 13, 2020 Rating: 5

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