
Benefits of Brahmi / Bacopa Monnieri

Benefits of Brahmi or Bacopa Monnieri


An active compound in Brahmi is bacosides. It has been observed that mental degradation that comes with age. It has also positively slowed down the effects of Alzheimer’s on the brain by helping in the regeneration of brain tissues and cells. The presence of amyloid is what causes Alzheimer’s and the bacosides in Brahmi helps reduce its effect on the human brain. Bacosides also protects the nervous system from damage and helps in the enhancement of the general functioning of the neurons.


As the liver is the biggest agent of detoxification of the body, the compound in Brahmi benefits the liver in this aspect. It helps by aiding the liver in its transfer of toxins into harmless ones and into waste products. When liver function is impaired due to toxin build up in the body and the release of nutrients into the bloodstream is hindered, it can lead to complications in proper body functions. Brahmi helps the liver work properly and it is natural and effective without harmful side effects.

Mind Memory

Many studies have shown that Brahmi helps in heightening cognitive performances and in a recent experiment in a placebo-controlled environment involving on few people. It was learnt that Brahmi benefits the cognitive performance of the brain, blurry eye sight, and memory by increasing the power of retention.

Hair Related Problems

Brahmi treats a range of hair related troubles. Massaging of hot Brahmi oil is beneficial for the scalp, as it enriched with bio-chemical compounds that act as anti-oxidants. The oil helps stimulate the hair follicles resulting in thick hair growth, elimination of dandruff and itchy scalp and also helps baldness and alopecia.

Opioid Addiction

Brahmi rich in bacosides actually helps deal with it by eliminating the tendency to enjoy the high that comes from pain medication whereas enhancing its function in dealing with the pain. It also acts as a protective cushion around organs that might be prone to damage from use or overuse of opioids and pain medication.

Mental Health

Brahmi promotes mental clarity. Nitric oxide, which is another major active compound in Brahmi, helps with concentration, mental alertness, helps to deal with withdrawal symptoms from opioids that could cause depression, and facilitates the proper functioning of the brain.


Brahmi reduces inflammation and swelling of the brain which is caused by the response of the autoimmune system of the body. Not only does Brahmi help in reducing the swelling, itchiness and redness of the brain surface but also anywhere on the body, Brahmi will effectively heal it and it’s completely natural.


Brahmi/Bacopa protects the neural system from neurotoxins such as aluminum, morphine and cigarette smoke thereby helping to flush out the deposited toxins  from the body. It also guards against oxidative stress.

Stress Reduction

Stress is caused due to an accumulation of the cortisol hormone. Brahmi reduces the effect of the cortisol hormone by becoming an adaptogen and thereby reliving you of stress and improving your mood.


While Brahmi / Bacopa is used to treat neurological problems, as well as it enhances the cognitive functions, it’s usefulness can be extended in helping to treat other neurological problems such as epilepsy when consumed along with vacha. The healing properties of bacosides include healing of damaged neurons and slowing down of neuro-degeneration as well as boosting neuro-transmission within brain cells.


Sleeping disorders are a massive issue that people everywhere have to deal with. Some people overwork themselves to feel sleepy at night but that is never a foolproof method. There are chances if you suffer from insomnia; you are suffering from a range of other problems as well like depression, anxiety, stress and tiredness. Massaging hot Brahmi oil can help deal with all these secondary problems and the root of them, insomnia. It reduces stress and calms you down enough to help you fall into a comfortable sleep pattern. It even helps, if your child is a hyperactive one, then the massaging of Brahmi oil proves beneficial.

Powerful antioxidants

Antioxidants are substances that help protect against cell damage caused by potentially harmful molecules called free radicals.
Research suggests that damage caused by free radicals is linked to many chronic conditions, such as heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers.

Reduces ADHD symptoms

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neuro developmental disorder that is characterized by symptoms like hyperactivity, impulsivity, and inattentiveness.
The bacosides, the main active compounds in Bacopa monnieri, have been shown to neutralize free radicals and prevent fat molecules from reacting with free radicals

Lower Blood Pressure Levels

High blood pressure is a serious health concern, as it places strain on your heart and blood vessels. This can weaken your heart and increase your risk of heart disease
In one animal study, Bacopa monnieri reduced both systolic and diastolic blood pressure levels. It did this by releasing nitric oxide, which helps dilate blood vessels, resulting in improved blood flow and lower blood pressure.
Benefits of Brahmi / Bacopa Monnieri Benefits of Brahmi / Bacopa Monnieri Reviewed by Deoraj on February 09, 2020 Rating: 5

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