
Benefits of Cumin

Cumin or Jeera

The spice is renowned for its tepid aroma and strong flavor. By reading this blog you can discover the numerous health benefits of cumin seeds.
Benefits of cumin or Jeera
Cumin seed promotes smooth digestion. Cumin aldehyde, an organic compound found in cumin that stimulates salivary glands thereby helping in the initial digestion of food. The consumption of cumin seeds also stimulates the glands that secrete enzymes, stomach acids, and bile which is vital for smooth digestion of the ingested food in your stomach.
Constipation and the infections present in wounds of your anal tract make you suffer from hemorrhoids, which is usually called piles. The dietary fiber content in the cumin seeds is highly beneficial in facilitating smooth digestion and preventing the risk of constipation, accordingly preventing the dilemma of hemorrhoids. Antimicrobial and anti fungal benefits of cumin seeds help in eliminating infections in your anal tract and promote healing of the wounds in your excretory system.
Cumin seeds are tremendously effective in avoiding the growth of diabetes and health vulnerability resulting due to it. The consumption of this amazing spice help in reducing your blood sugar/glucose levels and keeps your blood sugar level normal. So, anybody suffering from diabetes should include cumin seeds in their regular diet.
The vitamin content and digestion promoting properties of cumin seeds are highly beneficial in bringing relief from insomnia. Cumin essential oil is to minimize anxiety and stress which makes you suffer from insomnia.
Respiratory Disorder
You may get some relief from various respiratory disorders, such as bronchitis and asthma, by including cumin seeds in your diet. Cumin acts as an effective expectorant by loosening the accumulated mucus and phlegm in your respiratory tract. Further, it helps in eliminating the excess mucus from your system by coughing, spitting, or sneezing.
Being a rich source of iron, cumin seeds are extremely effective in curing the symptoms of anemia significantly.  Just 100 grams of cumin seeds offer you more than 66 mg of iron that is about over five times your daily recommended dose of iron.  Having plenty of iron helps boost your red blood cells RBC count and hemoglobin levels. Thus, it prevents or treats anemia easily. It helps keep weakness, anxiety, dizziness, and other symptoms of anemia at bay.
Detoxifying and antioxidant properties of cumin seeds are highly effective in protecting you from the risk of development of cancer. The consumption of cumin seeds aids in the secretion of anti-carcinogenic and detoxifying enzymes in your body that help keep cancer at bay. Besides these, cumin seeds contain antioxidants, such as vitamin C, which offers you a great protection against cancer.
Cumin seeds are a rich source of iron, cumin seeds are highly beneficial for lactating mothers as well as pregnant women since they need more iron than others. Eating cumin seeds help improve the secretion of milk in lactating mothers. The consumption of cumin provides you a great amount of calcium which is extremely beneficial for the lactating mothers. Make daily habit to have cumin with honey.
Concentration & Cognitive Malfunction
Consumption of cumin not only boosts hemoglobin levels but also improves blood flow in your body. The enhanced blood circulation supplies adequate oxygen to all your organs including brain, and enhances cognitive performance in the long run. The consumption of cumin helps protect you from cognitive disorders, such as dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.
The large quantity of Vitamin E is present in cumin seeds, and is crucial to maintain good skin health. Oils present in cumin seeds offers you anti fungal and disinfectant benefits and safeguards your skin from fungal and microbial infections. Cumin seed helps keep premature aging.  Vitamin E present in cumin seed also acts as a powerful antioxidant and protects your skin from possible aging symptoms, such as fine lines, wrinkles, and baggy skin.
Eating cumin reduces the incidence of boils, pimples, skin rashes, and other troubles resulting due to excess of toxins in your body.
Boosts Immunity
As cumin seeds are a rich source of plenty of nutrients and antioxidants, such as iron, vitamin A, vitamin C, and many other nutrients, they help boost your immunity substantially. Vitamin C acts as a strong antioxidant and neutralizes the harmful free radicals in your body.  It also aids the functioning of white blood cells. Thus, the consumption of cumin seeds safeguards your body from several health troubles and ailments significantly
Aids a Healthy Menstrual Cycle
The consumption of cumin is also beneficial for women of all age groups. Cumin seeds’ intake is known to promote a healthy menstrual cycle. So, women should add cumin to their regular diet.
Curbs Itching and Controls Body Heat
If you suffer from itching and increased body heat discomfort, make sure you add cumin to your diet. Also, you can add cumin seeds to your boiling bathing water and have a bath with that water to get rid of itching and regulate your body temperature.
Cumin as a paste or cumin-infused water may used in the following health conditions.
·         Reducing swelling
·         Relieving pain.
·         In problems related to discoloration of the skin.
·         In skin conditions like itching and scabies.
·         For hemorrhoids/piles both topically and orally. When given orally for piles or hemorrhoids, cumin seeds are roasted and crushed into a powder. This powder is then given along with honey.
·         Fine cumin powder is used as eyeliner (mascara).
·         It is applied as a paste to treat scorpion stings.
·         It helps in disorders related to loss of taste.
·         It increases digestive fire (Pitta) and is helpful in treating low pitta symptoms.
·         Indigestion
·         Cumin has carminative properties and relieves flatulence.
·         Diarrhea
·         Worm infestation
·         Detoxifying the blood
·         Cumin has stimulant properties.
·         It has diuretic properties.
·         It is helpful in relieving inflammation of the uterus.
·         It is a galactagogue
·         It is useful in postpartum care as it cleanses the uterus, increases milk production, and increases strength and stamina.
·         It is a natural aphrodisiac due to its hot potency.
·         It is helpful in fevers both acute and chronic.
·         It is useful in Kapha and Vata disorders.
·         It is helpful in relieving nausea.
·         Abdominal pain
·         IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)
·         Cardiac problems
·         Leucorrhoea
Benefits of Cumin Benefits of Cumin Reviewed by Deoraj on February 06, 2020 Rating: 5

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